
me…last weekWrangler of learning technologies by day, Dad, cyclist, soccer fan and, lately, home roaster of coffee by night. INFJ.

My educational interests include network learning, social learning, open education and open educational resources. I hack a bit of code now and then, mostly WordPress, and like to play with the web, trying to figure out how this internet thing can be used for teaching and learning.

I am the Manager of Educational Technologies at BCcampus, working primarily on open education projects. I also occasionally teach with the School of Education & Technology at Royal Roads University.

This blog is a personal blog and do not  reflect the opinions of BCcampus or RRU. I also blog about education technology and open education at EdTechFactotum.com.

Prior to my current position, I was the Manager of Learning Technologies at Royal Roads University, and also worked at Camosun College (Distributed Education Web Specialist).

In 2002, I attended the Application and Management of Information Technology (AMIT) program at the University of Victoria, and completed my Masters in Learning and Technology at Royal Roads University in 2011.

Before working in educational technology, I had a bit of a career as a radio broadcaster, working at a few radio stations in  Alberta and BC, many which no longer exist. I sincerely regret any part I might have had in their disappearance from the airwaves. In a previous life I had long hair and was the hippie station manager of Global Roots Radio Village 900 (another station that, as of March 5th, 2012, no longer exists).

And yes, that is really me in 1974. Rockin’ the hipster look before hipster was deck. Or is that dope? Crazy kids these days with their kookie words. I can’t keep up.

Where to find me

And if you ever want to buy me a present, here’s a few ideas from my Amazon wishlist 🙂


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