My son has perfected butter basting steaks. Kid has been seriously thinking a career in food might be his future. Based on the goodness he has been dishing up (thanks largely to the TikTok cooking hole he has fallen in to) I think his future is bright.
Looks like sprigs of fresh oregano too? I can hear and taste the sizzle. Is it butter baste then grill?
Rosemary & garlic along with enough butter to clog the arteries from 100 feet away. He starts with a high heat pan and fast grill to get a good sear, then turns the heat down to medium-low once the steak has a nice crust and tosses in the butter, garlic and rosemary & bastes for about 5 minutes. I’ve grilled steak on BBQ for almost my entire life and was skeptical about the pan-sear method. But it has now become our go-to method.