My Camosun – 30+ videos and counting

Just a couple of weeks left in the My Camosun video contest (that I first wrote about a few weeks back) and right now there are over 30 student and community produced videos posted on YouTube.

I’ve been watching the videos come in. Many of the entries take a fairly light approach to life at Camosun. Most are produced by current students and are aimed at potential students. But there have been a couple of very personal, very touching stories.

If you are an educator and have sometimes felt bogged down in the day to day battles, here are 2 stories that I hope will help you regain the sense that we are part of something bigger and that the work we do truly changes lives.

These videos have certainly renewed my commitment to the minor role I play in the process. I may sometimes feel like a small cog in the education machine, but it’s nice to have reminders like these that the machine is vitally important as an agent of social change. I thank both Amanda and Andria for sharing their stories.