The brain and social connections

Research on how a larger amygdala region in the brain may make it easier for some people to maintain a large social network.

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People with large, highly complex social networks tend to have larger amygdala regions than those with fewer friends, according to a study published in Nature Neuroscience.

It’s the first study to demonstrate a link between amygdala volume and social network characteristics within a single species.

They found that the gregarious types, those who reported having regular contact with comparatively large numbers of people from a variety of social groups, tend to have larger amygdala volumes.




Clint Lalonde

Just a guy writing some stuff, mostly for me these days on this particular blog. For my EdTech/OpenEd stuff, check out


One thought on “The brain and social connections

  1. This was cross posted from a new clipping tool I have started using called Amplify, which is why it looks like a half baked posting without a lot of real context.

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